INTERNSHIP 2024/2025


Wanting to go deeper in your relationship with God?
Develop your gifts?
Be empowered to grow God’s Kingdom? 

Consider applying to join the intern team.

Our commitment in this Movement is to help equip, sharpen and raise the next generation of Christian leaders across every sphere of society , but we know no-one is a ready made leader! The intern program is an avenue for us to invest in you and like a greenhouse, provide the optimal conditions for growth by providing on the job training, mentoring, and a structured program over a period of 1-2 years.


What does it look like?

The 14 hour/week commitment entails being a part of a RICE department, managing events, and being involved with a team and community of like minded believers to work as a Body of Christ working alongside the local churches and together, build God’s Kingdom.

This internship is practical, intentional, and life changing. Whether you are considering moving into full time church-based ministry, the marketplace or missions abroad, this internship will not only help equip you, it will help you work in and through your calling so that ultimately you’ll come out with greater clarity and conviction and sense of identity in your walk with Christ and relationship with Him.

Allow us to invest in you and help find the purpose God has given you to use the gifts he’s given you under His grace to do the good works He’s prepared for you to do!


Ministry & Theological Training

  • Chapel worship & service teams

  • Hands-on ministry training in being discipled AND discipling others

  • Being part of teams in events across the intern year, including for RICE Rally

  • Vocational training in areas of Human Resources/Marketing/Administration

  • Opportunities to travel inter-city and experience missional ministries


  • Be connected with personal mentors 2+ stages of life ahead of you who are esteemed, influential couples, active in local church ministry to meet with you fortnightly and walk with you

  • Experience discipleship and accountability to help support your internship journey through it’s seasons of celebrations and challenges

A Deeper Devotional Life

  • Experience All-In times with your cohort, delving into the Word of God

  • Begin each day with personal reflection and devotion time

  • Share your learnings with other young people in RICE ministries you will be connected with to encourage them in their walk with God

  • Keep a journal to share your reflections over the year as you experience faith jump after faith jump and see the tangible work of God in your life and character




Alex Liu

Melbourne 1st Year Intern

“I saw the amount of God given growth in the previous internship cohort and instantly wanted in! I got challenged in so many different ways that I never expected at the start, learning so many important lessons and skills that I could take away and apply in later stages of life. God has blessed me through internship with such a Christ centered global community, to be sharpened and to sharpen others constantly in the faith, keeping each other accountable and focused on the cross. Most importantly, I praise God for giving me the privilege and honor to work with him in this movement to make the name of Christ known, and to further his kingdom on earth!”


Rachel Wong

Auckland 2nd Year Intern

“The first thing I realised when I found about about The RICE Movement is that God is so much bigger than I thought. It’s not just about me and my weekend at church, but God’s global movement and a generation of His people. It was a memorable moment being of awe of God, but also accompanied by feeling God’s love for me, that He’s chosen me to be part of His big big plan. Through internship, I had the opportunity to visit Christchurch and Perth to connect and serve with different churches. The UNITY of His church was so present and active, it was so amazing to see the complexity of the body - different cultures, personalities, interactions of people but the same God doing the same work through the same truth. My awe of God’s universal plan impacted me in strengthening my faith that I CAN submit my life to God, I won’t be losing control but actually be free from my own fears and consequences of my own desires. I learnt (am surely still learning!) the importance in obedience to God’s voice. God’s great work is beyond my understanding - sometimes I can see it but sometimes I don’t. But I feel blessed that God has invited me to be part of His Kingdom work, and through RICE internship, I can see and feel it coming to life!”