Member doing low lunge pose with supplied mat and towel

In 2018, Stan and Helen became the Auckland City Directors, after a ‘chance’ meeting with the effervescent, vision driven founder Steve Chong! This year will see Auckland hold their third Rally, while a new city, Christchurch,will host their first one! What a huge adventure it’s been.Their heart is to see a generation revived to bring reformation to their churches and cities through the power of the gospel!

Stan and Helen love RICE’s pursuit of revival and passion in raising up the next generation of leaders for Christ, as well as the unity, joy and strength that pervades all of RICE’s teams and leadership.

Stan, born in Hong Kong, is a natural networker who loves encouraging others, and drawing out the best in people. He has a Diploma in Biblical Studies from Laidlaw College, New Zealand. Helen, raised in New Zealand, loves teaching and discipling believers. She has a business degree in marketing, and is an eager blogger! Together, Stan and Helen find joy in ministering through their different giftings in RICE and beyond.

Married for over 23 years and proud parents of two teenage children, Stan and Helen have a depth of experience in marriage, parenting, church planting, ministry, leadership and business. Certainly, they’re compelled to invest their lives to see the next generation rise up to advance the kingdom!

Member practicing yoga with supplied mat, block, and strap

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