Close up of boxer's hand wrap

“We took up this role at RICE Movement because we saw the incredible potential of this one-of-a-kind platform to empower young Asians to reach their own generation and mobilise them into God’s mission to restore the brokenness in this world to wholeness. We wanted to be part of it and do our best to shape this move of God for this city.

We love the way the Movement brings together young people and churches. And then creates an environment where an uncage God is free to work in and through young people. When this happens amazing things are released - individuals, communities and societies are reshaped.

We love the people this Movement seems to attract - the misfits and marginalised, the ones who do not accept the broken way things are but have the audacity to dream of a better future and then live it out. These are the young people, church leaders, old friends and co-conspirators who we join with on this adventure.

Our vision for Melbourne is to see the next generation of leaders raised up, abandoned to God’s purpose and promises, who will shape society and culture. This will take each of the custodians that are influential in the lives of young people - churches, parents, movements like RICE - all working together for this end.”

- Tim and Carmie Wong, Former RICE Melbourne City Directors

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